Lovely issue. Your writing inspires me. I miss you.

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We have to figure out how to teleport!

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We do! Where's the tardis when we need it?

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You probably know I'm not a baseball fan, but I know enough to appreciate Roger Angell's work, and I noted his passing with some sadness myself. In fact, I pulled out his stepfather's lovely essay, Here is New York, for a third or ninth re-read (my edition coming with Roger's 1999 introduction). I truly feel you belong in their company. White, Angell and Wendt. It works. And I lovelovelove that you still have the curtain from your freshman dorm window!

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Oh, lovely! & thank you, Linda!

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So beautiful, my friend. Keep on, keeping on. You are a balm for the tired soul. xo

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Thank you, Renee!

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